Tuesday, July 26, 2005

things we learned from this spelling bee

Wow. I am so delighted that we are at the forefront of live blogging. Thanks to Megan Rudesill (at right) for being our very first guest blogger! She was typing with great celerity, and everything is left as she originally blogged it, except the word "spllelled," which I have corrected on her behalf.

When people in the spelling bee say something you know they didn't mean to say -- like a contestant starts spelling "geriatric" with a "j" and then cries "Oh no, can I start over?" -- I often point out that the contestant just made a "verbal typo," and that we all know that he or she actually does know better, and even though the word must be counted as wrong, we are with the contestant in spirit.

Any other spelling mistakes from our live bloggers, we do not want to know about, as that is the charm of live blogging. How many authentic media sources do we have left?

In any case, here are some salient points:
  • To get on the mailing list, email us.

  • In an effort to develop a live blogging editorial style, live posts are written in red and begin with "Live Update" in the subject.

  • Next time, we will bring an extension cord for live blogging purposes, so our blogger does not have to sit way in back of the action due to inadequate iBook battery life.

  • The next bee is Monday, August 8, and this week's winner Jonathan Lill will be our guest blogger.

  • The Brooklynite was in attendance -- look for spelling bee coverage in this free paper "sometime in August or September."

The Brooklynite also had a photographer there who said he'd send me some pictures for this blog, so if you were present this evening, check back sometime and you just might see yourself. Not in that Micheal Jackson "Man in the Mirror" way. Just, you know, literally.

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